The standard Silver Annual Travel Plan (ATP) I , allows holders and beneficial members to enjoy a combination of 12 Short Travel Breaks (STBs) for Business or Leisure (Bleasure) purposes for annual lifestyle wellness escapes away from home and work throughout the year. These trips are selected from the 5 categories of Travel Products of varied duration e.g Weekend Getaways (3d/2n), Long Weekend Escapes, Thematic Stays, Discovery Journeys, Epic Travel from the MyClub365-ITA Travel as a Service (TaaS) Marketplace, respecting an equal ratio of In Home Country Destinations (HcDs), Neighbour Country Destinations (NcDs), Medium Range Destinations (MRDs), and Long Range Destinations (LRDs)

  • Category: Business
  • Service Duration: 02:30 Hours
  • Address: New York, NY, United States (Map)
  • Price:2500



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